Christopher Niezrecki
Professor and Chair
University of Massachusetts Lowell USA
Christopher Niezrecki is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He obtained dual BS degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut in 1991. In 1992 he obtained a MS. degree in mechanical engineering from Virginia Tech and his Ph.D. in 1999 while working at the Center for Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures (CIMSS). He was the Director of the Smart Structures and Acoustics Laboratory at the University of Florida until 2004, is currently the Co-Director of the Structural Dynamics and Acoustic Systems Laboratory (, and leads the Center for Wind Energy at UMass Lowell ( Dr. Niezrecki is also the Director of the NSF-Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Wind Energy Science Technology and Research (WindSTAR). He has been directly involved in mechanical design, smart structures, noise and vibration control research for over 23 years, with more than 100 publications. He is the member of three separate conference executive committees pertaining to structural dynamics/smart structures/materials and serves as an Associate Guest Editor of the Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Areas of current research include: renewable energy systems, wind turbine dynamics, monitoring, and inspection, structural dynamic and acoustic systems, smart structures, signal processing, structural health monitoring, and smart materials. Over the last several years, his research has focused on using optical digital image correlation for non-contacting inspection and vibration measurement of wind turbine blades/rotating structures. He was a 2010 recipient of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL/National Wind Technology Center) Research Participant Program Fellowship and is the 2018 Roy J. Zuckerberg Endowed Leadership Chair. Funding for his research ($11M+) has been provided through grants from numerous federal and state agencies as well as several industry sponsors.
Research Interest
Dr. Christopher Niezrecki’s primary research includes renewable energy systems, wind turbine dynamics, monitoring, and inspection, structural dynamic and acoustic systems, smart structures, signal processing, structural health monitoring, and smart materials. His goals include expanding the global use of renewable energy, developing technologies that can impact the 1.3 billion people in the world who do not have access to electricity, and advancing sensing technologies to measure and monitor structural systems.
Yilu Liu completed her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1989 at The Ohio State University. She currently serves as a Governor’s Chair Professor at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She led the effort to create the North American Power Grid Monitoring Network (FNET/GridEye) which is still the only monitoring network that covers the entire North America as well as major grids worldwide. She is the recipient of Presidential Faculty Fellow Award, the NSF Young Investigator’s Award, and several university awards for research and teaching excellence. Liu and her student’s work has appeared in over 100 journal papers and more than 200 conference papers and she serves as an editor, reviewer and on the editorial board for about 20 journals including IEEE Transactions. Liu is a Fellow of IEEE, a member of National Academy of Inventors and a Member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Research Interest
Power grid monitoring and large system dynamics
Debjyoti Banerjee Completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1999 and B.S. from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). Under his supervision at Multi Phase Flows and Heat Transfer Labs. (MPFHTL) at the Texas A&M University, 13 Ph.D. and 17 M.S. students have graduated since 2005. He worked at Applied Biosystems (Applera) NanoInk, Coventor and Tata. He is a Fellow of the American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Associate Editor of Journal of Heat Transfer (JHT), advisory board member of JHT and Journal of Nanofluids. He has 14 US Patents and 5 WO patents (and 1 patent pending). He co-founded Thermascape Technologies Inc. in 2017 to commercialize his research inventions, and was the 5th Place Winner in the Texas New Ventures Competition (TNVC) in 2017 where he also received the “Amerra Visualization Services Prize†and the “AM Innovation Center Prizeâ€.
Research Interest
Heat Transfer, Thermal engineering, Thermo-Fluidics, Boiling